Friday, November 28, 2008


Spending time with the family for thanksgiving was simply bliss. We enjoyed stuffing ourselves with an ambrosial feast. After leaning back in our chairs and adjusting our pants, we swapped some stories, comments and opinions. Later, I decided to set up the living room for a photo op.

It started with just me...

Slowly, some family trickled in...

Then another...

A couple more...Lisa came along...My aunt grabbed the cammera and took a couple shots of all of us cousins that were there that night. We are missing a couple- Allen (CA), Erin (South Africa), Eric (The U.P.), and Brian (The U.P.).

Aw, what the heck, let's have a couple whole family pictures...

That was a fabulous Thankgiving night.

**In addition to my first post- When I was describing my blog name, "Laura's Joy", I forgot to mention that I am going to be a bit of a "Pollyanna". I enjoy finding joy in my everyday life, so for each blog, I plan on posting a simple or even grand joy that I found that day. So here is mine for this post.

My joy is my family.

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